Beyond Ranch Foundation Welcomes New Advisory Board Members

We’re thrilled to announce the expansion of our Advisory Board at Beyond Ranch Foundation with the addition of two exceptional leaders: Angelique Encarnacion and Neils Olesen.

Angelique brings a wealth of experience in owning and managing various property types and a demonstrated commitment to finding forever homes for those profoundly impacted by their autism. Neils offers a deep understanding of technology and business and a passion for giving back to the community through designing and building assistive systems.

Their combined knowledge and dedication will be invaluable assets as Beyond Ranch Foundation continues its mission to build a low-cost inclusive community serving the needs of adults who are profoundly impacted by their autism. We are incredibly grateful for their willingness to help guide our organization.

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Beyond Ranch Foundation’s mission is to build a low-cost inclusive community serving the needs of adults who are profoundly impacted by their autism. We are committed to creating a safe haven where the residents can thrive while being supported through purposeful care.